Thursday, 2 August 2007


I don’t know why
But this is what I see
That whenever I am happy
Sadness will follow me
Without a reason without a notice
So abruptly, and so easily
Giving pains and tears to shed
And then it stays with me, longer than anything else
As it is the only true companion I have
And I dislike it so much, still it keeps coming back
With same bad intense depressions
It makes me stay like this for long
But I was not like this forever
But who can now accept me as I am
Deceived, disdained, depressed, alone
That I am little afraid
That I am the one who doubts everything
That I am aloof all the time
That may be I like to be in sadness
And so even more leave me alone
With my forever companion
For they can’t bear the atrocious I say
And I am insulted and thrown out
Out of life, theirs and mine
And I stay looking back
So helpless that I can’t even say a word
Still trying to get back to joy
And shoved out of ways again and again
Then here I am
Again wording my grief
Again trying to overcome my sorrow
Again being lonely between everybody
Again scared, again dreaming
Again expecting, again crying
What will I be now? I don’t know
But this is what I see
That “sadness” is again with me.

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